All applicants must meet the UConn Graduate School admission standards (cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher) and demonstrate successful completion (generally B average or better) of prerequisite coursework.
Also required:
- Must have earned a bachelor’s degree
- Completed the following prerequisite courses:
- General Biology with lab (in-person)
- General Chemistry I & II with lab (in-person)
- General Physics I & II with lab (in-person)
- Human Physiology & Anatomy I & II* with lab (in-person)
- Psychology (2 courses)
- Statistics
*4 credit Physiology with lab and 4 credit Anatomy with lab courses are acceptable substitutions for Human Physiology & Anatomy I & II.
If you are completing your prerequisite coursework at another institution, please use this online resource to identify whether your courses are equivalent to the following UConn coursework and thus would be accepted as pre-requisites:
- UConn BIOL 1107 (with in person lab)
- UConn CHEM 1127Q & CHEM 1128Q (both with in person lab)
- UConn PHYS 1201Q & PHYS 1202Q (both with in person lab)
- UConn PNB 2264 & PNB 2265 (both with in person lab; Note: 4 credit Physiology with lab and 4 credit Anatomy with lab courses are acceptable substitutions for Human Physiology & Anatomy I & II.)
- Psychology-Any 2 UConn Psychology Courses
- UConn STATS 1100Q or STATS 1000Q
Please note not all institutions are represented in this resource so please reach out to our program if you cannot identify your pre-requisite course using this tool.
Other Requirements:
- Submission of GRE scores
- Physical therapy observation hours (40 hours required)
- Health compliance requirements(for enrolled students)